miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Almost...a little bit more... COME ON!

Hey boys, Amber Agee-DeHart says:

"Please communicate to your students we are impressed with their technical knowledge and ability to communicate complex information."

QUESTIONS (in red):

What type of spacecraft or structures would the composite sandwich structures be used? This section should be far more comprehensive as it is the "pitch" and the justification for the experiment. You've not provided any background information here. And the actual connection to an Earth or space-based problem or need is not clearly communicated. This section should be more comprehensive, should take you the most time to write, should demonstrate your research, and should be the most challenging to write.

¿Qué tipo de naves espaciales o estructuras usarían las estructuras sandwich?

What problems or needs excite with the current type of composite structures used in spacecraft or technology?

¿Qué problemas o necesidades motivan el uso de estructuras compuestas utilizadas en naves espaciales?

What are the implications if your hypothesis is or is not supported? How can this information and research be used in the future?

¿Cuáles son las implicaciones si su hipótesis es o no es verificada? ¿Cómo se puede utilizar esta información e investigación en el futuro?

The documents to be examined are:

A4S 361 (structures):

A4S 362 (bolts):

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020


Hello everyone!

Our proposals for the Scientific Balloon are:

1 - The effects of  vacuum from outer space on space structures

2 - The effects of low temperatures on bolts adjustment

(Spanish translation below...)


1 - Los efectos del vacío del espacio exterior en estructuras espaciales
2 - Los efectos de las bajas temperaturas en los ajustes de tornillos

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020


Hello everyone, please, PLEASE, attend to zoom meeting WED 04/15 at 07 p.m.

(Hola a todos, por favor, asistan a la reunión ZOOM el MIERCOLES a las 19 hs.)

Pablo M. González le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: CiS meeting
Hora: 15 abr 2020 07:00 PM Buenos Aires, Georgetown

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 768 1536 7961
Contraseña: cis2020